

We long to be a family of disciples committed to making disciples, to the glory of God.

In support of this vision the church employs full-time staff, organises regular meetings and supports gospel mission overseas and elsewhere in the UK. Approximately 70% of funds given to the church go to staff salaries, and we also set aside 15% of all gifts to be allocated to mission.

As an independent church, financing these ministries relies upon the generous giving of the church family, and we are very grateful to God for his faithful provision to us through such giving over many years.

The Bible teaches us that we are to give to the work of the gospel as a response to the kindness God has shown us. We are to give willingly and cheerfully and in proportion to what God has given us.

Please pray that God will provide for us and that we would be good stewards of what he has entrusted to us.

Please also prayerfully consider whether you are able to give. There are a number ways you can do so:

Standing order

The most helpful way to support the work at the church is to set up a standing order with your bank (details below).

One-off gift

You can make one-off gifts by bank transfer or via PayPal. 


We have a safe deposit box near the back of the church where you can deposit cash or a cheque.

Bank details

Account name: St Neots Evangelical Church
Sort code: 40-40-10
Account no: 00725137


Send a gift through PayPal

Gift aid

As a UK registered charity, the Church benefits from Gift Aid. By filling out a Gift Aid Declaration, we’re able to increase your gift by 25%.