As a church we’re committed to expository preaching (expository preaching is where we work consecutively through the different books of the Bible and we aim to make the main point of the passage the main point of the sermon). From time to time we also do short topical series.
Recent Sermons
Nahum 3:1-19
Passage Nahum 3:1-19
Speaker Alan McCormick
Series Nahum
Service Evening
Psalm 119:113-120
Passage Psalm 119:113-120
Speaker Alan McCormick
Series Psalm 119
Service Evening
Psalm 119:49-56
Passage Psalm 119:49-56
Speaker Alan McCormick
Series Psalms
Service Evening
Psalm 105:24-41
Passage Psalm 105:24-41
Speaker Alan McCormick
Series Psalms
Service Evening
Mark 14:43-52
Passage Mark 14:43-52
Speaker Alan McCormick
Series Mark
Service Evening
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Reading Together, Growing Together
Starting in 2021, we’re reading through the Bible over 3 years, using the book Search the Scriptures to help. Find out more about the reading plan and ask your questions about tricky passages here.